You can create a network of businesses and consumers so you regularly receive toy donations for a charitable youth organization. Momentum will grow quickly when people are made aware of your cause and given the opportunity to provide toys for needy children in the local area. Spread the word about what you are trying to do throughout the community and make it convenient for those who want to make a donation to find a drop-off location or contact you directly.

Approach owners and managers of toy retailers in person to speak with them about the toy donation drive and ask for their help. Consider that major retailers like Walmart and Target have large toy sections and a high volume of customers. Larger retail corporations often have charity policies that may not allow them to donate or post information about your cause. Leave a business card and be gracious even if you get flat-out rejected.

Ask the receptive owners and managers what toys or money to buy toys their company can donate directly to the youth charity organization. Some toy stores may have unsold overstock or a charitable fund that they are able to write off on taxes.

Proceed to ask the owner or manager if you will can post informational flyers in their store along with a toy donation bin. They may allow the signs and not the donation bin, so be sure your signs are updated with current telephone or email contacts and available drop-off locations.

Leave a copy of your business card with any location where you leave a bin and ask them to contact you when the bin is nearly filled with donations. Service the locations regularly to pick up toys and thank the retail owner, manager and employees for their help.

Encourage business owners and managers to tell other people in the industry about the toy drive and refer you to anyone who needs more information. This word-of-mouth marketing will open doors for the charity to expand and increase toy donation quantity.

Contact the local print, radio or television media in the area and tell them about what you are trying to accomplish for the kids. Let them know about the area businesses helping you and give them information to broadcast about your cause. Some media outlets may be willing to do a story or interview.


Avoid arguing if a store wants to limit how long they will allow the bin. Many locations will forget about the deadline or change their mind when the see the success of the project.


Tell people that you also accept cash donations to purchase large quantities of toys at wholesale prices.


Be specific on informational flyers and marketing releases so people know exactly what types and conditions of toy donations you are accepting.

Things You Will Need
  • Business cards

  • Informational flyers

  • Large lightweight bins (cardboard or plastic)