Charities often have to pick up items and deliver them places, such as donated food to distribute to needy people in soup kitchens and pantries, or furniture, clothing and other goods for the poor. If your charity needs to make a lot of pickups and deliveries, you might determine that you need a used box truck. When there isn’t enough money in your budget to buy a truck, you will want to get someone to donate one.

1. Step 1

Create a document that outlines the work your organization does to help the community. Specify why you need someone to donate a used box truck to further the cause and help you work more efficiently. For example, if you have been borrowing a box truck from a volunteer or local business, but only can use it at random times when the owner does not need it, explain how this hinders your work. Your target donor is someone who is sympathetic to your cause and also may be interested in getting a tax deduction for donating the truck.

2. Step 2

Announce that you require a used box truck at the next meeting of your organization, so members, visitors and volunteers will know about the need. Ask people to think of someone they know who has a box truck and might be willing to donate it to your group.

3. Step 3

Send copies of your document to a list of your supporters by U.S. Mail or email. Post the text on your organization’s website. Put flyers on the walls of your building so people will know about your need and be encouraged to make a donation. Place an ad in your local paper if you have an advertising budget. See whether the paper will write a story about your need.

4. Step 4

Meet with people who have a used box truck and who are sympathetic to your cause. Use the information in your document as the basis for a verbal appeal. Tell a story about how you would use the truck and how it would help people. Offer to pick up the truck to make it as convenient as possible for the donor.