How to Design a Pocket-Size Brochure
Brochures are a great way to advertise your business and gain contacts. They are a quick way of displaying to potential customers or clients exactly what your company is all about and what you have to offer. The fallback to brochures is that their shape and size aren't user friendly. They aren't something that you will place in your wallet or pocket. However, a pocket-sized brochure can contain the same important information while also being a convenient size for placing in a pocket or wallet and pulling out later to take a closer look.
Create a template using 8 1/2-by-11 inch paper. Fold the paper in half lengthwise and then accordion fold it in thirds width-wise. When the paper is completely open, you should have six equally-sized portions. This will be your standard template for the brochure.
Design the cover. The cover needs to be attention grabbing. Present the reader with her biggest benefit for opening the brochure and reading further. While you want to show your company name, it shouldn't be the main focus of the page. Place it at the bottom of the page and consider leaving the company logo for the back page.
Design the inside flaps. There will be two inside squares that the reader will see before he opens the brochure completely. These portions should include pertinent information and pictures. You are still working on getting the reader to open the brochure completely, so don't be too long-winded on these pages. Keep information in bullet-point form. Continue to highlight benefits.
Design the inside. This is where you can go into a bit more detail about what you have to offer. Use the entire surface as one page, don't break it down into the individual squares. Still keep in mind that a brochure isn't a place to be word-happy and be careful not to write a short novel. Use the inside to include larger images, charts and graphs if you need them. Also include contact information in this area.
Design the back portion. This portion can include final information that didn't have a place elsewhere. It is the least important side but it is, nonetheless, important to have something there. The back pages are a great place to have your company logo and include your contact information again. You can also include a small map with directions to your location.