A brochure is a simple, effective way to share information about your business. However, when getting ready for an exhibition, you should offer more than a general interest brochure. Before you begin, think about the focus of the exhibition and who will be the likely attendees. You will want to highlight in your brochure certain products or services that will be of interest in this particular context with these particular people.

Choose your brochure layout. Your computer desktop program will have several options for you to choose from. You can also create a layout from scratch with design software like inDesign or Adobe.

Make a list of the information you want to include in your brochure. In addition to information targeting the exhibition audience, include information about your business, contact information, and key products and services that set you apart. Also include a coupon or special deal. This will encourage potential customers to hang onto your brochure, even if they don't use your product immediately.

Design your brochure cover. The cover is the most important part of your brochure. Focus on a bold image and simple text that gets your message across.

Design the inside panels of your brochure. Each panel should focus on one main idea or concept. Keep your text short and to-the-point, and include graphics to make the panels attractive.

Edit the text of your brochure to make sure there are no typos. Read it several times at different points in the day, and ask a friend or associate to look over your text as well.

Print one copy of your brochure. Look over this printout with an eagle eye for graphics that bleed off the page, typos, images that don't look quite right, and any other mistakes.

Print and fold your brochures. Find out how many attendees will be at the exhibition and print extra so you have enough copies to hand out. Make sure to choose high-quality card stock or brochure paper.