A Microsoft Certification Professional (MCP) designation is given to those who have successfully passed at least one of the Microsoft certifications. The MCP is great for those in the information technology field, as receiving the MCP can increase your IT career prospects. After you take and pass the certification exam, Microsoft will email you an MCP identification number, temporary access code and instructions for accessing the member site. Microsoft makes it easy to recover your MCP ID if you lose or forget it.

Wait for Microsoft to send you an email with your temporary access code, MCP ID number and instructions for how to access the member site.

Access the MCP member site within 90 days from the date of the email message received from Microsoft. When you access the MCP member site, have your temporary access code, MCP ID and Windows Live ID. If you don’t have a Windows Live ID, you can create one (see Resources).

Contact Microsoft. Microsoft has a customer support line to assist in retrieving your MCP ID. You will need to confirm certain privacy information before Microsoft will release the information.

Mail: Microsoft Certification Programs P.O. Box 911 Santa Clarita, CA 91380-9011 United States

Telephone: 800-636-7544 Email: [email protected] Fax: 661-793-6555