EPA certifications are generally for professionals working with HVAC systems and are required for some maintenance jobs that deal with HVAC systems and purchasing refrigerants from dealers. Certified individuals study, register and sit for certification tests in order to earn their EPA certifications. There are two different reasons why you will need to verify or check EPA certification. You are either the certified individual who has misplaced his certification number, or you are someone who needs to verify that an individual is certified.

Checking Someone Else's Certification

Ask the person for his certification card.

Look on the card for the certification number. Usually they only have to present their certification card to ensure that they are certified. The card will have their name, the date they became certified or took the certification test and an expiration date (if applicable).

Call Mainstream Engineering at (321) 631-3550 with the certification number if you need more proof of the certification. The representative can't give you the grades of the individual's test, but can tell you if the certification number is valid.

Check Your Own Certification

Go to the EPA Test website. (See the link in Resource section.)

Log in your personal certification account using your Social Security number and last name. Click on "Secure Login" when done.

Click on the link to view your exam and certification history. There you will see all of your certifications. Print out temporary certification cards and order new ones by clicking on the "Order Certification Supplies" link.


EPA certifications are only valid in the United States. As such, you will not be certified to work on HVAC equipment in other countries.