A spiritual-based business doesn't always jive with the more traditional marketing approaches used by mainstream businesses. For many spiritually focused business owners, it feels uncomfortable to actively sell a product or service based on a belief system, so they avoid marketing efforts altogether. It is possible to actively market and maintain integrity with spiritual values, as long as you know and understand the target market to reach out with offers that are authentic and meet specific emotional needs.

Webinars or Classes

Reach out to people through a free or low-cost webinar or class to demonstrate specific spiritual principles or tools. For example, take people through a guided meditation to provide a sample of how to connect with themselves using your unique personal guidance and insight. Customers buy products and services from trusted sources, so this allows the marketing to become more of a demonstration or sharing of ideas than a hard sell. Present some optional paid offers as part of the webinar or class so attendees don't feel pressured to buy.

Speaking Opportunities

Boost visibility by speaking about spiritually based topics at local organizations of like minds or by doing a presentation for a local community church, healing arts center or metaphysical group. Good will developed by sharing tips for connecting to the inner-self and a higher power are simple, helpful tools for people to use later on their own. Public speaking also provides the opportunity to offer a special discount on a future product or service, such as a healing, coaching or a counseling session. Put a short turnaround on the discount so people act quickly.

Video Blog and Social Media

Reach out to more like-minded people online through a video blog and social media. Provide a simple spiritual take on everyday life topics or share insights on how spirituality personally helped you to reveal a more vulnerable side, which is a powerful marketing tool. Use platforms including YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to connect to people with similar interests all over the world to share helpful tips or resources and promote others with a spiritual message to build online community.


A professional-looking website is an important tool to promote spiritual-based work and serves as a key tool to inspire credibility and trustworthiness in a person or business. Provide a clear description of spiritual principles and core beliefs so people can determine if it aligns with them personally. Show specific ways a spiritual belief system can be used to address loss, marriage troubles or everyday life challenges. include testimonials from current and former clients that mention a very specific way a spiritual tool or thought process has improved their quality of life.