Obtaining an education and degree in kinesiology gives you the foundation on which to build a business helping people use physical activity to feel healthier and improve their quality of life. The kinesiology-related business you start depends on the type of client with which you prefer to work. As a business owner, you also need to implement marketing tactics to find and keep clients willing to pay for your services through their insurance company or out of their own pocket.

Personal Training

Opening your own business as a personal trainer requires little start-up costs since you can work with clients at a local gym, outdoors or in their home, so no special equipment is required. You must develop and use fitness and medical assessments to determine your client’s history and ability to work out. Then, you develop a custom fitness program to help your client meet various goals, such as losing weight or gaining strength and muscle tone. Part of your work involves monitoring each client’s progress and adjusting his or her fitness regimen. Finding clients involves networking with gyms that do not have enough personal trainers and are willing to refer people to your business. Advertising in local papers, asking clients for referrals and becoming known as an expert are additional ways to attract people who want to hire a personal trainer.

Recreational Therapy

Recreational therapy businesses use their kinesiology education and background to work with clients who have disabling medical conditions or illnesses. Clients range from people who have mental health issues and addictions to those with developmental disabilities or people who need rehabilitation services. The work involves creating individualized plans for clients that help them improve their physical and mental health. Referrals to clients come from health care facilities, such as doctor’s offices, home healthcare agencies and community programs, so you need to find ways to network with and build relationships with these organizations to build your business.

Wellness Consulting

As an independent wellness consultant, you can use your kinesiology background and communication skills to create plans that organizations can use to reach their health and fitness goals. Clients range from local city and county recreation departments to health clubs and businesses that want to offer their employees corporate fitness programs or improve workplace safety. The work involves creating plans that include a healthy diet and exercise as well as teaching people how to deal with stress. To find clients for your consulting business, you need to promote your services to businesses and convince them of the benefits of implementing a wellness program for their employees. Also, market to health clubs to get referrals to their clients who need services beyond what the gym provides.

Massage Therapy

Starting a massage therapy business gives you an opportunity to work with people’s muscles to relieve pain, reduce stress and help clients feel healthier. You need to lease space to create a relaxing, comfortable setting that appeals to your clients, which might range from sports enthusiasts and professionals to people with rehabilitation concerns and those who simply want to enjoy the results of a soft-tissue massage. Equipment you need includes a massage table or chair and waiting area furniture. Your marketing efforts need to focus on getting referrals from fitness centers and medical facilities if you want to focus on sports massage.