How to Write a Proposal Letter to Get Sponsorship
Requesting sponsorship for an organization or project requires a clear, concise and persuasive letter. A letter requesting sponsorship is a letter asking for money, but it does not always have to sound that way. The key to writing a successful sponsorship request letter is to keep it from sounding like just another appeal for money. Keep in mind that some businesses receive numerous requests for sponsorships. Letters that stand out and that offer the business the most are the ones that are granted sponsorships.
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Research the company or person you're seeking a sponsorship from. If it is an individual, find out his likes, dislikes and personal experiences. Visit the company's website and find out which types of causes they tend to participate in.
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Write a list of benefits that the organization requesting funding will provide to the sponsor. Also list the benefits that the sponsorship will provide to the community.
Calculate the amount of funding needed. Decide how much of that money to request from the sponsor.
Write the introduction. Describe the company requesting sponsorship, detail the benefits that the company has provided in the past and outline its future plans.
List any major projects that will benefit from the funding.
Tell the potential sponsor how much money you are requesting, what the money will be used for and the benefits that will stem from the sponsorship.
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Point out the benefits that the potential sponsor will gain from sponsoring the organization or project. List any public relation opportunities, places that the sponsor's name would appear, types of recognition awarded to sponsors and how the organization will bring awareness to the sponsor's name.
Close the letter with respect. Show appreciation for the reader's time, provide your contact information and indicate a willingness to answer any questions.
Follow up with the potential sponsor by phone a week or two after sending the letter.
Keep the letter to one page in length.
If you receive the sponsorship, send a thank-you note and honor the agreement as to the benefits mentioned in the letter.