How do you write a meeting invitation by email? Improve your chances of getting a positive response to your meeting request by first putting yourself in your recipient's shoes. Many people consider the effort to meet with you a time-consuming prospect. They want to know what they'll get out of it, which includes making their work easier, faster or more profitable. They also respond well to a free benefit, nice meal or promotional gift appropriate to their business. This is particularly true with email communications, because your recipient probably receives dozens of emails everyday.

1. Write a Compelling Subject Line

Write a subject line that stands out. For example: "Let's meet to discuss your account with XYZ Company" makes your email immediately relevant and likely to be opened. "Hi, let's talk" is the kind of subject line that is likely to get your email deleted because it provides no information and is too informal and personal for most business relationships.

2. Greet Your Recipient

Greet your recipient appropriately. Use "Dear Mr. Jones" if you don't know each other. "Dear Bob" or "Hello Bob" are common salutations in business email. Not using a salutation can make your email seem impersonal and part of a mass mailing, unless you know each other well.

3. Keep it Simple

Get to the point. If you don't know each other, write a sentence introducing yourself such as "I have been assigned your account at XYZ" or "I am responding to your query on the XYZ website and would like to meet with you to demo our software." Keep your message as short as possible while still conveying the key information.

4. Make It Easy to Say Yes

Suggest a couple of dates, times and locations. A good way to do this is: "I can meet either Tuesday or Wednesday, in my office or yours. Is this is good for you and what time would be best?" This makes it easy for the recipient to say yes.

5. Call to Confirm

State that you will call to confirm the meeting. A follow-up call is always wise when using email, because your email might have gone to the SPAM folder or was overlooked by the recipient.

6. Include a Friendly Close

Close your email with a brief sentence like "Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to meeting you and discussing how XYZ can provide you with the services you need."

7. Sign and Send

Add your signature block at the bottom. It should contain the name you use in business, title, company name, direct office phone number, cell phone number and links to your business social media profiles.


Many business people sign off their emails with "Regards" or "Thank you." Some use only their signature block. What you use depends on your style and its appropriateness to the message you are sending.

Consider attaching a whitepaper or other information on your company.


Use spell checker. Many email programs can be set to automatically correct spelling and grammatical errors.