It can be difficult to know exactly how to end a business email. Depending on the person to whom you are writing, you might not want your closing to be too familiar. On the other hand, if you are writing someone you've been in business with for years, you don't want to come off as impersonal. By wrapping up your letter in a concise sentence and using a neutral closing, you can avoid any pitfalls.

Sum up the reason you are writing, in a sentence or two in the final paragraph of your email. This needs to be done only the email is quite long. If the email is short, don't worry about it.

Include a call to action in the last paragraph of your email. For example, "Please email me or call me with any advice you may have." This tells the person exactly what you are expecting, but in a courteous, non-demanding way.

End the email with "Regards," "Sincerely," "Best," or "Thank You." These are all fairly neutral closings for a business email.

Write your name after the closing. Include your company's name, your title, your phone number and your email under your name. Each piece of information should go on a separate line.