Marketing Ideas for Computer Training
Marketing your computer training services usually involves spending money on advertising, public relations programs and marketing staff. When you invest in marketing, track your progress to make sure you’re getting a good return. Innovative strategies that could provide big payoffs include tapping into a strong referral network and building valuable business alliances. You can also optimize the in-house website and develop a creative email campaign.
Your current students constitute a ready-made sales force. About four of every five buying decisions are made as a result of referrals when it comes to training programs. Provide incentives to students for referrals and make sure they are satisfied when they leave a class so they will give you a glowing recommendation. At the same time, they may be ripe to take additional classes because they can prove to be your best customers and require little or no marketing effort.
Computer training providers should have the most effective websites money can buy because that’s the industry in which you operate. For starters, build a site that’s enabled for mobile use. Provide useful, relevant content that’s easy to navigate to show you know what you’re doing. Make it easy for visitors to find the classes they want and to find the location and costs. Post regular updates to a blog focused on how computer advancements affect the workplace and how training in new applications can help students advance at work. Use search engine optimization tools to keep your site on the first page of search engine queries for computer training.
As tech-savvy workers rely more heavily on mobile applications and social media, tap into the market by way of shout-outs. Use coupons, anecdotes, video clips and trending factoids through email blasts and social media posts. Maintain a schedule for sending emails to previous students and to the list of contacts you develop through your site. Emails and posts offer a cost-effective way to keep your name in front of people so it comes to mind first when they need training.
Build relationships with human resource professionals, small business owners and corporate executives, who often hire training companies. Network through professional organizations such as the Professional Association for Computer Training, the Computer Education Management Association and the International Association of Information Technology Trainers. This can help you keep up with industry trends and get innovative marketing ideas. Join local chambers of commerce to build relationships with decision makers. Other professional networks that could prove valuable include computer retailers, who constantly meet new people who could use your services. Keep them stocked with brochures they can give out to customers.