How to Write a Letter Requesting Work Experience
Students looking to obtain working experience while still in school can find this through a work experience placement. This involves working a set amount of time for a small business or a major company in the student’s selected field of study. Since most companies do not recruit for such placements, individuals need to write a speculative letter requesting a work experience placement from an employer.
Type the letter on white or cream stationary using an acceptable business font, such as Ariel or Times New Roman.
Use a traditional salutation, such as “Dear Sir or Madam,” and follow it with a subject header line that clearly states the intention of the letter (example: "Re: Request for Work Experience").
Include in the first paragraph the intention of the letter, which is to obtain an unpaid position to gain work experience. Also, mention the reason for seeking the position and why this particular company was the letter writer’s first choice. If referred to by a current employee, include the individual’s name (example: “Jane Smith through I would be a great fit and believes this might be a mutually beneficial opportunity.”)
Include in the second paragraph the name of the college or university, the name of the degree program, and mention relevant awards, certifications or academic achievements.
Include in the third paragraph the times and days available to work (example: “I am available Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Friday in the early evening.”). Add contact details, such as an email or a phone number. Also include the same contact information in the letterhead.
Type the closing of the letter by thanking the reader for his time. Finish the letter with the traditional, “Sincerely,” and sign the letter in ink.
If the company has not responded to the request within two to three weeks, then follow up with a phone call to the employer or human resources coordinator. While on the phone, be polite, respectful and thank the individual for his time. Avoid pestering the company with further calls, since the request may not be high on the company’s list of priorities.