How to Obtain a New Hampshire Liquor License
The New Hampshire Liquor Commission controls all liquor licensing in the state of New Hampshire. To obtain a liquor license in New Hampshire, you must be over 21 and a United States citizen or registered alien, and not have any felony convictions. The application process is started at the New Hampshire Liquor Commission website.
Go to the New Hampshire Liquor Commission website (see References) and read the the retail application process page; print the page out to reference later. After reading the page select the type of liquor license you wish to apply for; this will take you to the online application.
Complete the online application. Have all your business and personal information on hand before you start the application. You will be asked to choose the type of application, which is determined by how you plan to sell the liquor. The information required on the application will differ based on the application type. Once you have completed the application, print it.
Mail the application along with the nonrefundable processing fee. As of April 2011, the fee is $100 and can be paid by check or money order. There may be other fees depending on the type of liquor license you are applying for. After the application has been processed, the licensing commission will ask for additional paperwork and permits.
Mail to: NHSLC, Division of Enforcement P.O. Box 1795 Concord, NH 03302
Gather together all paperwork and permits that the New Hampshire Liquor Commission request. Call the Licensing Help Desk 603-271-3521. Someone there will contact an investigator to inspect the location where liquor will be sold. The investigator will contact you directly to set up an appointment; it is important that you provide a valid phone number where you can be reached. After the inspection is complete the investigator will give a recommendation of licensing to the Help Desk.
Schedule a final appointment. After the investigator has approved your premises and sent her report to the Help Desk, call to schedule the final appointment. The Help Desk representative will tell you what documents and information is needed for this final appointment, and will be able to answer any additional questions you have. If you have met all requirements and provided all requested information, after final appointment the liquor license will be issued