How to Make a Job Fair Fun
The term "job fair" brings to mind a large room filled with tables of employers waiting to find the right employees to fill open positions. Would-be employees dress to impress with resumes in hand to try to land that dream job. However, job fairs can mean long lines, boring waits and disappointment. It is possible to incorporate other activities into job fairs to benefit job seekers, and make the events fun to attend.
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Serve refreshments. When applicants stand in long lines or spend hours at a job fair, cold water and a snack can bring welcome relief. Food vendors and retailers are usually willing to donate to a good cause.
Offer workshops that improve job seeking skills. Some applicants may need help with resume writing and interviewing. Schedule group sessions that include mock interviews and critiques of resumes. These will be valuable for those who have been out of the job-search arena for several years.
Invite a speaker who is able motivate applicants. After months of searching for jobs, many applicants become discouraged and weary. Some give up the job search altogether. Select a speaker who has overcome difficulties to become successful in his or her field; or invite a representative from a major company or industry to serve as a motivational speaker.
Provide door prizes that facilitate the job search. Seek donations from businesses, such as prepaid gas cards, gift cards or coupons. A portfolio used for keeping resumes and reference letters neat is also a helpful door prize.
Include a "dress for success" fashion show. Retail stores sometimes loan clothing for fashion shows for a good cause. Recruit volunteers to model clothing appropriate for various types of work environments. This will help attendees learn the "dos" and "dont's" of dressing for interviews, and what type of attire is appropriate for various jobs. Enlist the help of hair-care professionals to demonstrate proper hair and skin care methods during the "dress for success" event.