Most companies participate in performance appraisals, a process that employees and companies alike applaud. From the companies' perspective, the process enables them to evaluate employees for promotion, demotion and, in some cases, termination when employees don't show the necessary strengths to advance the goals of the companies. At the same time, performance appraisals give employees road maps to improve their skills, which could result in advancement.


Effective collaboration with other employees in a company is generally regarded as a critical strength. Most performance evaluations encourage employees to comment on how well they build relationships with their peers to reach the goals of the company. The ability to work in a team environment is an important skill that adds value to an employee. Any shortfall by the employee in this area requires remedial action.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction ranks high as an employee strength. “Red” Motley, one-time chairman of Parade magazine, once said, “Nothing happens until someone sells something.” Ideally, every employee focuses on customer satisfaction.


Companies and employees change constantly to improve the way they serve their customers. The ability to withstand change and adapt to new procedures is a welcome strength in any employee.

Openness to New Ideas

With corporate change come approaches to problems that may be new to employees. It is critical that they embrace them. A performance evaluation frequently focuses on an employee's willingness to consider new ideas. Being flexible to corporate change is recognized as a strength in every employee, whether he works on a factory floor or in senior management.

People Skills

The importance of an employee's interpersonal skills cannot be overstated. He should work smoothly with peers. When promoted to higher levels, the employee will be called upon to relate to people above and below him in importance.