The Licenses Needed to Start a Catering Business in Caddo Parish, Louisiana
Aspiring catering business owners in Caddo Parish must follow the legal requirements for catering businesses in the state of Louisiana. Although the catering business is located in Caddo Parish and some of the registration actions may take place on a county level, the county requirements are developed based on Louisiana state business laws and regulations. The licenses required for a Caddo Parish catering business depends on the structure and operations of the business.
Caddo Parish catering business owners must complete basic business registration to get a general business license. The registration requirements are dependent upon the catering business structure the owner follows. Sole-proprietors, one-person businesses and general partnerships must visit the Parish clerk of court office to file a trade name application. Catering businesses operating as corporations must visit the Louisiana secretary of state and file a trade name application.
A local catering business in Caddo Parish is required to get a food health permit from the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry. This department handles all food production in the state. A catering business owner can complete the retail food program offered by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, where owners can get a food safety certificate and learn about food sanitation. The department also renews food safety certifications.
If the catering business owner plans to serve alcohol or liquor at catering events, an alcohol and liquor license must be obtained by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals. He must apply for the license through the local office of public health at the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals.
A catering business owner in Louisiana may require an IRS tax ID if she satisfies one of two criteria — hiring employees to work permanently for the catering business, not including contractors; or operating the catering business as a partnership or corporation. The IRS tax ID is sent to the owner once she completes the online application process on the IRS website. A catering business operated by a single owner who hires contractors for big events can simply file taxes using her social security number.