The Federal Emergency Management Agency, also known as FEMA, started auctioning off their trailer surplus to the general public to reduce disposal in 2008. FEMA trailers offer temporary housing to victims of disaster. While the trailers are liveable, some do require repair and the problems are normally listed on the FEMA website listing. To bid on these trailers you must be a registered bidder.

Register as a bidder by visiting the FEMA GSA auction website at This is a government surplus website. You will be required to enter your credit card number; however, your registration is free. Enter a user name and password, along with your valid email address.

Peruse all trailer listings. Listings will include damage and amenities included in the trailer. It is important to remember that cost of transporting the trailer is your responsibility. You will not be allowed to resell the trailer for housing or use it as rental property.

Place your bid in the space provided under the trailer you wish to buy. At the end of the bidding process, you will be notified by a FEMA GSA representative, who will contact you to instruct you on finalizing the purchase if you are the highest bidder.

Write down all information regarding pick up of your trailer. You will be required to hire a professional tow company specializing in trailer transport. The costs vary depending on size and weight of your trailer.