How to Get a Tax ID for a Condo Association in Massachusetts
A condo association in Massachusetts may require a tax ID number, also known as an employer identification number, to open a bank account or establish utilities in the name of the business. A tax ID number exists as a nine-digit sequence of numbers issued by the Internal Revenue Service. An authorized representative of the condo association must provide specific information about the business along with their personal information. The IRS website offers the easiest way for a condo association in Massachusetts to get a tax ID number.
Acquire an EIN online using the IRS website. The authorized representative of the Massachusetts condo association must have a valid Social Security number or taxpayer identification number. Provide the name and location of the Massachusetts condo association, and the name and Social Security number of an authorized representative. Check the “other” box and indicate that the business is structured as a condo association. Check the appropriate box to indicate the reason for applying for an EIN and communicate the principal business activities of the association. Include the date when the condo association came into existence and indicate if the association has any employees. The IRS will assign a tax ID number to the Massachusetts condo association as soon as the online session concludes.
Contact the IRS Business and Specialty Tax hotline at (800) 829-4933. Call Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Provide the IRS assistor with the necessary information to complete an EIN application over the telephone. After capturing all the required information to complete an EIN application, an IRS assistor will provide a tax ID number to the Massachusetts condo association.
Print Form SS-4 from the IRS website. Complete all sections of Form SS-4. Include the signature and date on the form. Draft a fax coversheet that includes the contact name, telephone number, address and fax number of an authorized representative of the Massachusetts condo association. Fax Form SS-4 to (859) 669-5760. It may take up to four business days to receive a tax ID number when applying by fax. It will take longer to receive a tax ID number if a return fax number is not included in the correspondence.
Mail the form to the IRS. Check Form SS-4 to ensure that all sections are completed accurately. Send Form SS-4 to the Internal Revenue Service, Attn: EIN Operation, Cincinnati, OH 45999. A Massachusetts condo association that applies by mail may wait up to four weeks to receive a tax ID.