You might have a tax ID number if you own a business or have applied for a individual tax ID number (ITIN) separate from your Social Security number. If you own a business, you will know your federal tax ID number will as an employer identification number (EIN), and if you've lost or misplaced your ITIN or EIN, you will need the number for a variety of business purposes, including applying for financing, establishing a wholesaler's account or filing taxes. The ITIN allows you to file taxes, and your EIN differentiates your business from other businesses or individuals.

Obtain Copy of EIN

Phone the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Business & Specialty Tax Line at 1-800-829-4933 between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. local time Monday through Friday

Provide the IRS representative your business-related identifying information.

Write down the EIN the representative provides you verbally over the phone.

Obtain Copy of ITIN

Complete IRS Form W-7 (IRS Application for Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) by visiting and downloading the .pdf file.

Visit a local IRS branch, bringing with you a driver's license and original birth certificate to establish your identity.

Provide the IRS agent your information and completed W-7. The agent will process your paperwork.

Wait six weeks to receive a replacement copy of your ITIN by mail.


To receive your information, you must serve as key member of the business such as a owner (sole proprietor), partner or key executive.

If after six weeks you have yet to receive your ITIN, phone 1-800-829-1040, and check your application's status.