Why Are Ethical & Etiquette Communications So Important in Business?
A successful business relies on communication in order to establish partnerships and market to customers. Effective business communication, also called professional communication, includes the need for ethics and etiquette.
Ethics in professional communication relies on honesty. This includes giving credit to appropriate sources and admitting to mistakes.
Ethics act as your moral compass of what is right and wrong. Businesses that practice unethical behavior, such as being dishonest in their transactions, may encounter bad publicity.
Displaying proper etiquette -- being respectful -- in your business communication helps to make you look credible in the eyes of others. Showing proper etiquette internationally, such as a desire to understand other customs, will help your business succeed in the international market.
Employees treated poorly by management will likely treat customers poorly, creating poor customer service. To help avoid this, managers and employees should treat each other with respect.
To preserve your integrity, remove yourself from any business affairs in which you may have a conflict of interest. Also, talking in a lower tone of voice, rather than yelling, can be an effective way to get the attention of others without coming across as rude.