The power to communicate with corporations' employees and customers carries considerable responsibilities. Organizations including the International Association of Business Communicators and the Public Relations Society of America develop ethical standards essential for the professional communicator. The content varies by organization, but the principles are the same.


Professional communicators are honest, accurate and candid in all communications. This practice encourages the free flow of important information in the interest of the public.


Protecting the confidences and privacy rights of employees and customers is the duty of professional communicators. Additionally, they must abide by legal requirements for disclosing information that affects the welfare of others.


When content is borrowed from another source, professional communicators give credit and identify that source. In many cases, communicators must request permission from the original source before sharing the borrowed information.

Free Speech

Professional communicators support the principles of free speech and free ideas. These practices encourage open competition.


Sensitivity to cultural values and beliefs are crucial for the professional communicator. It’s important to understand your audience and encourage mutual understanding.