Styles of Business Communication
When communicating with others in a business setting, it's important to be flexible and adjust your communication style to fit the situation and the audience. Communication with employees will generally require a different tone than communication with customers. Communication styles vary based on the mode of communication. Spoken and written word can be received differently, depending on their delivery styles. Communication styles must be focused on those receiving the message.
Written communication takes many forms in business, including proposals, sales letters, emails and contracts. Writing a proposal requires a more formal style in tone and in format. Formal communications styles in writing involve adhering to proper writing styles according to established guides as well as formatting the document for readability. Written communication focused on sales or promotions are less formal and more persuasive in their writing style. Liberty can be taken with writing rules in informal written communication style, when it is appropriate for the receiver of the message.
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The communication style for presentations will also depend on the situation and the audience, but, in general, simpler is better for grabbing and keeping the audience's attention. Business people who attend a presentation, are seated and listening to a speaker need to be engaged to maintain interest. When you present information on the slides for your presentation in a simple, straightforward style, you also keep the audience from being focused on reading those slides and encourage them to focus on you as you speak.
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Your speaking style also needs to be appropriate for the situation and for your audience. If you are in a business meeting negotiating a contract, your speaking style will need to be formal, professional and persuasive. If you are networking at a business environment, your communication style should be informal and friendly, speaking at a level that engages others and instills a sense of trust. Your communication style can also be direct or subtle, depending on whether you need to emphasize a point or persuade your audience.
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Body language, the way you act physically when you speak or give a presentation, is a component of business communication styles. Speakers who wave their arms, put their hands in their pockets or otherwise use their body to convey a message, can say more with their body language than with their words. Body language can become a business communication style in and of itself. Be aware of how you stand, where you place your arms and what you do with your hands with speaking or giving a presentation. Even if you use the correct communication style otherwise, your body language might send a different message.