The Best Ways to Advertise a Tile Business
Doing tile work is a good, honest way to earn a living. You get to use your hands and leave the job site at the end of the day able to see your accomplishment. The great difficulty, however, is filling up your schedule with customers. There are a lot of tile installers out there, and in order to attract customers, you have to be more than good; you have to be present in your customers’ minds. Here are some of the best ways to advertise your tile business.
Decide which media you will use to reach your customers. Because you are beautifying a room, your tile work and business are fairly well-suited to TV spots. In spite of the cost, you might work with your local network affiliates to produce and air a commercial. According to Small Business Notes, “Narrowing down who you really want to reach will help you make wise and cost-efficient media choices.” With this in mind, you may want to send direct mail advertising to all of the homes in a neighborhood where rebuilding is going on, as the homeowners may be interested in tile work.
Target events that are rich with people who may need your work. Purchase a booth at local gardening events and offer your services to gardeners who may want outside tile installed. Attend conventions for home builders and do-it-yourselfers to get your name out. Internet sites such as allow you to add your information to a database of contractors. Be sure to put up an engaging profile on these sites, complete with photographs and a detailed description of your specialties.
Present your customer with a thick book of photographs that depict tile work you have done. Include close-up pictures that detail the precision with which you installed the grout. The customer is interested in hearing your estimate, but you should take the opportunity to build value in the service you provide, demonstrating your quality work.
Stay in touch for marketing purposes with previous customers. When you call back the week after the job to make sure they are happy, ask the customer if he has have friends who might like an estimate. Ensure that the customer was pleased with your work so you will get some favorable word-of-mouth advertising.
Create a business card or handout that will put you foremost in a prospective customer’s mind. Lots of tile workers have given business cards to prospective clients. Perhaps you could set yourself apart by giving him a piece of scrap tile that has your information on it.