Business proposals are written statements of how a company will meet a potential client’s needs and help it to solve their problems. Informal proposals usually address smaller projects and are thus smaller in scope and shorter in length. In order to write an informal proposal report sample, you have to consider solutions to problems in the way of specific deliverables, and how to schedule, structure and budget out these deliverables so that they are delivered in a way that makes sense to the client.

Be sure to include the following components. We have included informal proposal letter samples:

Writing the Introduction

State the reason for the proposal and be sure to provide a compelling lead into the rest of your proposal. Find the quickest way to explain a solution to this client’s pressing problem. Or include a unique selling point to your pitch.

Example: “In order to avoid imminent flooding and subsequent property damage, we propose a wall to protect from further asset destruction.”

Adding in Background

Here, you can discuss the problem and any context related to it. Be sure to build solid ground upon which to give a measurable, specific purpose to your proposed project. In convincing the client you understand their pain points, you gain trust in demonstrating competence. Use language that the client is familiar with in order to establish the right rapport.

Aim for accuracy and consistency in your proposal, avoiding assumptions where possible. If you’re unclear about a client’s needs or problems, it’s best to contact the client with any questions.

Example: “Flood insurance in the coastal area has risen 400 percent due to recent hurricanes. Municipalities have increasingly been searching for ways to reduce insurance expenditures.”

Getting into the Proposal

Explain the solution to the stated problem, providing specific information where necessary. Include how the solutions will be implemented and what specific deliverables you propose for the completion of the project. You may include a timeline of when these deliverables will be completed by in the form of project milestones. This can be a way to structure out piecemeal payment for a project or simply to give the prospect an idea of what will be completed and when.

Example: “We propose a concrete, rebar-reinforced wall of 5 feet in height that will reduce the cost of your flood insurance policy for your municipality by 30 percent, according to our research.”

Identifying Key Personnel/Equipment

Identify who will contribute to the project and what their expertise is. This shows the prospective client that you and your team possess the skills and experience necessary to complete the project. Indicate any special equipment, software, facilities and so forth that will be integral to the project’s execution.

Example: “Our dedicated team of specialists in concrete mixture and welding brings a solid 10 years’ experience using materials and equipment especially resistant to marine-related corrosion.”

Breaking Down the Budget

Include a budget to show how you will structure costs. You may not know every detail of the project or its entire scope, but not to worry. A proposal budget is designed more specifically to illustrate your competence in anticipating potential roadblocks and in defining your value to the prospect.

Creating a total estimated budget is good but creating a set of line items to structure out particular costs will show the potential client that you have thought through the project and understand the nature of the work you propose.

Example: “Our estimated budget is $25,000 for planning, $800,000 for execution of the project and $75,000 cost of all raw materials.”

Writing the Conclusion

State in an efficient way how your proposal will benefit your prospective client. Be sure to include contact information and suggest a time to follow up for further discussion.

Example: “As [Town name]’s flood insurance policy cost is projected to rise to over $2.8 million for the next fiscal year, we are confident our proposal will net your municipality at least $800,000 in savings. I can be reached at [email protected] for further discussion of this proposal. Thank you for your time.”