How to Write a Simple Two Page Proposal
No matter what the topic, the intention of any proposal is to persuade the recipient into action. A traditional, full-length proposal can run several pages, but you can create a simple, two-page proposal. If you decide to create a full proposal later on, the two-page proposal can serve as your executive summary. The best way to set up your simple proposal is with an introduction, a body that explains the details of the proposal and a conclusion.
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Collect all the information you need regarding the proposal. This should include how you plan to implement the proposal, when the action should take place, and any relevant costs and projected sales or losses.
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Write an outline for your proposal to organize the data you collected. Begin with a single sentence that explains what you are proposing; this will be part of the introduction. Divide the body into sections that provide details of the proposal such as the method you will use, necessary equipment and/or personnel, important dates or a timeline, financial information and benefits to the company. End with a conclusion statement that calls the recipient to action.
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Write the introduction by developing the sentence you wrote in the outline. Summarize the problem you intend to solve and how you are going to solve it.
Write each paragraph in the body, limiting yourself to no more than six paragraphs so that you stay on two pages. Develop each idea you noted in the outline; for example, one paragraph might focus on the method, while the next describes the timeline.
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Write the conclusion paragraph with a focus on how this proposal will benefit the company, both financially and otherwise. Explain what needs to happen next in order to put this plan into action.
While your general tone should be assertive, you also should write with the intent of encouraging and motivating the recipients to support your proposal.