The closing paragraph in a formal report is an important section, as it leaves a final impression on the reader. The closing should not only analyze the report in a clear and concise manner, but also state the conclusion you have come to based on the information in the report.

Write one to two sentences analyzing the information you assessed in your formal report, three to four sentences if your report is longer than ten pages. Do not just summarize the report, but rather focus on answering "why" and "how" you found the information in the report. Highlight the most important points of your report.

Write one sentence stating any conclusions based on facts that the information in your report leads to, two to three sentences for longer reports. This should not be your opinion or an editorial of the information, but a conclusive statement of the facts.

Write one to two sentences (three to four for longer reports) stating your opinion of this conclusion, including whether or not you believe other factors must be taken into consideration that could affect the conclusion. If your formal report is intended to answer a specific question, state whether or not you answered that question.


Your report should be clear and straightforward. Keep your closing paragraph to five sentences or less. Do not introduce any new information in your closing paragraph.