An enquiry report is likely to be written by a police officer or other public authority figure who is taking a statement from someone who is making a complaint. The enquiry report helps an officer keep track of the details of the complaint so that it can be investigated and followed up on at a later time. The person who writes the enquiry report might not be the same person who follows up on it, so the more details you include in your report, the better.

List the date of the complaint at the top of the report, along with any relevant reference numbers.

Explain the nature of the complaint being reported briefly. This includes the who, what, when and where.

Write down all the details that are provided to you by the person making the complaint. The details might include the alleged how and why of the complaint or details that need to be confirmed at a later time.

Include details that were provided by other witnesses in the report, as well. Make a note when these details contradict those provided by the initial person who made the complaint.

State the story of the opposing side. The opposing side to the complaint should always be consulted, and the details provided should be listed accurately to ensure the report is fair and balanced.

List all evidence you collected that relates in any way to the subject of your enquiry report.

Update the report as the investigation continues. If new evidence is found or if details are proven accurate or inaccurate, add this information to the enquiry report.

Type up the report. Many of your initial notes regarding the complaint are likely to be handwritten. However, upon completing the enquiry report, type it up using a word processing program.