Passion may not be everything required to provide phenomenal customer service but it certainly is a good place to start. A positive attitude and a passion for customers is the first step in achieving organizational goals. For an employer to achieve this, she must start by hiring employees with a passion for delivering effective service to the customers. It is therefore important to understand the characteristics of an employee who has a passion for customers.

Showing Empathy

As an employee, you sometimes have to deal with irate or irrational customers. Showing empathy is one way in which you can deal with this problem. It is a characteristic that demonstrate that you are concerned and interested with the customer’s issues. The key is in understanding the customer’s feelings and opinion in the matter and making him feel that you are on his side. Using words like “I apologize” or “I understand how you feel…” clearly shows that you empathize with the customer.

Caring for Customers

You should care enough for the needs of the customers and help them get what they need. You should be ready to answer the customer’s questions whether they are relevant or not. Indeed, you should go out of your way to help the customers solve their problems. For example, if your organization or business cannot meet the customers' needs, you should go out of your way to suggest a different location where they will be able to find help. You should be able to make the customer feel at ease and cared for.

Paying Attention to the Customers

Paying attention goes hand in hand with listening. Speaking to someone who is not paying attention can be very upsetting, especially when you have to repeat yourself several times. Paying attention to your customers matters to them a lot and it will naturally help you communicate more effectively with them and have a better impact on them. Look at them, listen to them and answer their questions accordingly. When a customer feels that you are not paying attention to him, he feels impatient and just wants to finish and get out of the premises, but if you acknowledge him, for example, by greeting him and calling him by name, then it changes his experience completely. Listen and then deliver.

Appreciating Customers

Every customer is unique and would love to be treated as such. Sincerely appreciating the customers and thanking them for their business or ideas lets them feel that you enjoyed serving them and hope for their return. One way to effectively show appreciation to a customer is by simply and sincerely saying “thank you” and “please.” Appreciating a customer makes her feel important to the business or organization that you represent.