When a business is conducted under a name that is not that of the owner(s), Queens County requires business owners to register a fictitious name. The fictitious name, trade name or assumed name is known as a DBA, for "doing business as." This name is different than the personal name(s) of the business owner(s). In Queens, New York, DBAs must be registered in the county clerk’s office.

Purchase a DBA legal form from a stationery store or online store that sells legal forms. Examples of retailers that sell legal forms are Staples, Office Max and Blumberglegalforms.com.

Fill out the DBA form and have it notarized.

Visit the Queen’s County Clerk’s Office and submit the form with the $100 filing fee.

Queens County Clerk’s Office 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. Room 106 Jamaica, NY 11435 718-298-0605


You can also mail the form with a $100 check or money order for the filing fee. The county clerk’s office keeps the original.

Queens County Clerk’s Office 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. Room 106 Jamaica, NY 11435 718-298-0605