How Do I Find My EPA Identification Number?
A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identification number is a site-specific number issued to an owner/operator to track hazardous waste as it moves from its site of creation to its final disposal. The number stays with the site it was assigned to and never moves. If an owner/operator moves to another location, the number for that location must be used. If the location doesn't have an assigned number, a new one will be issued for it.
The EPA keeps a database online, so it's easy to find the EPA number of a facility. The RCRAInfo database allows you to search by a combination of facility name, location and the industrial classification of the facility itself. If you have any questions or prefer to find the information via email, phone or mail, contact your state's hazardous waste or environmental department. In some cases, one person will handle requests and you can find his name online.
Not all states refer to the number as an EPA ID Number. States that use the EPA Standard Form 8700-12 ask for the EPA ID Number. If you're having trouble finding your EPA identification number, scan your documentation for variations of the name. For example, Oregon asks for the RCRA Site ID Number. If you are dealing with an emergency clean-up or another emergency, you can apply for a provisional EPA identification number. This number is active in the system for 90 days. If the activity lasts longer, you will need to apply for another provisional identification number.