When applying to educational institutions, or seeking professional accreditation, it is sometimes necessary to obtain an official record of past employment. Most employers withhold a portion of your paycheck to prepay Federal taxes and Social Security benefits. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Social Security Administration (SSA) keep detailed records for each individual, and should be able to provide a detailed employment history.

Things You Will Need
  • Internet Connection

  • Printer

  • Business Envelopes

  • Stamps

Obtaining Employment History from the Internal Revenue Service

Visit the Internal Revenue Service’s website at www.IRS.gov. Click “Forms and Publications” on the left hand navigation sidebar.

Search for IRS Form 4506. The 4506 series is used to request a transcript or copy of past income tax returns. These transcripts will detail any taxable income you may have received from past employers.

Fill out Form 4506, 4506-T, or 4506-EZ in their entirety. Return these forms to the IRS, and include a check or money order for the processing fee.

Obtaining Employment History from the Social Security Administration

Visit the Social Security Administration’s website (see Resources). Like the IRS, the SSA keeps records of past employment and wages.

Click “Forms and Publications,” and search for SSA Form 7050. This form can be used to request a transcript of past employment.

Fill out Form 7050, and return to the IRS with the required fee.