What Is Blue Licenses Holding LLC?
There's a claim -- mostly discussed in web forums and articles -- that a company known as Blue Licenses Holding, LLC owns some of the numbers from which you receive unknown calls. If you ty to find out more information about Blue Licenses Holding, the trail most likely will go cold.
Here's why: Blue Licenses Holding, LLC is just that, a holding company -- or at least that’s what some Internet users claim. Rumored to be affiliated with A T & T, no readily available information proves the connection exists. In fact, many web searches turn up no information about Blue Licenses Holding, and there are no reputable sources of information that discuss a connection with the telecom giant. While some people believe that Blue Licenses Holding was purchased by A T & T several years ago, no public information source confirms the buy.
Various forums, and question and answer websites, claim that Blue Licenses Holding is not only affiliated with A T & T, but that it's a holding company that holds large blocks of telephone numbers on behalf of the it. However, discussion forums typically aren't good sources of accurate information, because posts often reflect opinion rather than fact. Forum posts about Blue Licenses Holding neither provide sources to support the claim of affiliation with A T & T nor that such a holding company exists in the United States.
Various Internet keyword searches point to posts and articles with claims about Blue Licenses Holding and A T & T. The scattered forum posts and responses, as well as legitimate-looking articles, present the claim regarding an AT&T-Blue Licenses Holding relationship as real and valid. Some forum posters and article writers claim to have received phone calls from an unknown number. Upon reverse call lookup, posters claim that search results indicate the number was owned by Blue Licenses Holding. However, these claims are not given with any proof. No phone numbers are given as examples, so readers can't look up the numbers to verify the claim for themselves.