The Organizational Structure of a Day Care
To run any business successfully, it is essential to have a plan of action. A day care can especially benefit from an organizational structure to control its often hectic environment and give its employees the guidance they need to operate effectively.
top of the chart image by Steve Johnson from
The basic definition of an organizational structure is a framework that includes rules and policies specific to an organization. This structure determines the order of authority and explains the rights and duties of those employed. Through this structure, it is understood what the different levels of management will be, what roles will be filled and what responsibilities are expected within each role. Ultimately, what decides each of these elements is the main objective the organization would like to accomplish and the plan they choose to meet their goals.
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Westchester Tremont Day Care Center makes use of an organizational structure that spells out exactly what their purpose is and demonstrates their seriousness as an organization that cares for children. They break down their structure into the following categories: governance, adoption of policies, relationship to municipal agencies, board of directors and staff. These elements make for a full explanation of who they are and what parents can expect from their services.
father read book son image by Pavel Losevsky from
The Lewisburg Area Child Care Center takes a different approach to structure by creating an organizational chart that displays the hierarchy of teachers, parents and others involved in running the organization. The chart begins with the corporation (all parents), the board of directors under that and then the positions of director, assistant director, secretary and multiple teacher positions including student volunteers. This clearly determines where each role falls in the overall structure of the day care center.