Oral presentations are an important part of a business. Most businesses use oral presentations to discuss ideas or new business ventures. It's not as simple as throwing together a presentation, though. Your presentation will need to be engaging for your audience, whether it's for a meeting, a new employee presentation or to pitch a new product or service.


Types of oral presentations include those that are designed to inform, to inspire, to persuade or to pitch a product or service.

What Is the Oral Presentation Definition?

The definition of an oral presentation is the delivery of a speech to an audience. For example, think of a business meeting and how employees sit around a table while either the boss or another coworker gives a speech or displays a presentation. That's one of the types of presentations in the workforce. Another is when you own a business and you want to pitch your product or service to another business owner or a large company. You would use an oral presentation to successfully pitch to that company.

What Is the Purpose of an Oral Presentation?

The oral presentation meaning should be stuck in your mind as you begin your oral presentation. Knowing the meaning will keep you engaged in the purpose of the presentation. The main idea of an oral presentation is to inform your end listener of something important. This could mean a meeting with your employer and other coworkers or even a big project idea. An oral presentation should be entertaining, especially if you want people to remember what you say.

Another type of oral presentation is one that is designed to inspire and motivate. Additionally, another type of oral presentation is one in which the most important goal is to persuade. You will be giving an oral presentation for a reason, and you will have an end goal in mind. Therefore, you will need to persuade your listeners to take action.

Writing and Practicing an Oral Presentation

As you get ready to craft your oral presentation, you need to have your ideal listener in mind. For example, think about the audience for your oral presentation and what you can say to capture their attention. Most people love storytelling, so you could start your presentation by saying, "Before I start, I'd like to share a quick story."

You should strategically think about your oral presentation introduction. Share valuable information in your introduction. Depending on the type of presentation you're giving, statistics can really engage an audience. If you don't have a statistic, try saying something such as, "Did you know (insert interesting fact here)." You could also try saying, "Have you ever heard (insert shocking statement here)." Next, be sure to organize your speech and speak in a way that is memorable. Always use common language so everyone can understand.

You can practice your oral speaking techniques with your family and friends. As you practice with them, see how they react to your speech and if they seem engaged. If not, you will need to change things up before you give your real oral presentation. This is your only chance at a good first impression.