How to Track Mary Kay Inventory
To have a successful Mary Kay business, you will need to keep accurate inventory records. In order to track your sales, study sales trends and keep up with your profit margin, a good system is required. Even the most expensive software is useless if you do not use a regular, reliable tracking system. Store your inventory in a temperature-controlled room or closet and proactively update your inventory information regularly.
Things You Will Need
Spreadsheet software
Clip board
Mary Kay inventory
Mary Kay packing slips
Sales tickets
Open your Mary Kay inventory shipments. Remove the packing slips. Compare the contents of your packing slip to the contents of your package. Note any missing or damaged product.
Boot up your computer and open up your spreadsheet software. Create a row of titles at the top of the page. Create headings that say, Date, Product number, Product Description, Quantity and Wholesale Price. Choose a 14-point font for the row and highlight the words in bold lettering. Save the page using the current date as the name of the file.
Transfer information from the Mary Kay packing slips to the spreadsheet. Double check your quantity and product numbers. Print extra copies of the spreadsheet with the Quantity heading empty. Place the copies of the spreadsheet on the clipboard. In the quantity row, use a pencil to add tally marks for the products currently in your inventory. As you sell products, erase the corresponding mark to indicate how many you have sold.
Transfer information from the clipboard weekly to the computer file to keep your inventory records accurate. Double check your inventory records with your sales tickets. Mark an X across the sales ticket after you have entered the information in the computer. Store the tickets so you can review them if you need to later.
Contact Mary Kay headquarters if you receive packages that have damaged products. Follow their directions and request replacement products.
Do not "sell" your products to other Independent Beauty Consultants. This violates Mary Kay’s terms of service. Only sell products to your customers. In the event you loan products to another consultant, record this in your inventory spreadsheet, adjusting it after you have received the replacement.
Perform quarterly audits on your inventory to track what products are moving and which ones are not. Carefully look for products that may be missing or lost.
Do not store Mary Kay products in your car where they can be damaged or stolen.