Types of Management Goals
A goal is a result one is attempting to achieve. Management goals or objectives are a system of plans a company communicates to its employees to achieve. Management goal types are specific and clearly define objectives, measurable and have a system of regulating progress, are created to be achievable and have to be agreed upon. The goals set need to be realistic and have a deadline attached to them (See Reference 1).
Strategic goals are goals made to achieve and support the mission and vision of the company. Strategic goals effect and focus on an entire company and not just a department or work function within the company. Strategic goals include goals relating to innovation, market standing, productivity, efficiency in utilizing company resources in the form of workforce and finances, bottom line profit, management development and performance, employee conduct and morale and public and social responsibility. Strategic goals are set by organization leaders and apply to everyone within the organization to work on concurrently and will often benefit both the employee as well as the organization when goals are completed within the assigned time frame.
Operational management goals are goals set to impact the running of an organization, where management skills, technology and resources can be utilized in the most efficient ways possible. Operational goals are determined at the lower management level within an organization and are specific to certain employees or a department in the company versus the entire company. Operational goals focus on individual employee responsibilities and performance and the position's overall impact within the company.
Tactical management goals relate to the strategic goals set by the company. Tactical goals are broken into divisions or department levels and outline the steps necessary for each department within the organization to contribute to the larger strategic goals. Tactical goals are usually short term goals that contribute to the long-term company goal and can be analyzed and measured more easily.
Superordinate management goals help to motivate individuals across different departments and are used to solve conflicts and establish relationships within the company. Superordinate goals allow employees and managers to work together at achieving strategic goals and recognize each person or department’s part in the overall objective. Value is added to the employee or department when the mutual benefits of each is recognized and praised and helps add a sense of individual accomplishment to working on the goal. Rewards are given out to employees for achieving goals and used as motivators.