How to Write a Management Training Plan
Writing a management training plan for yourself or subordinates typically involves exploring management opportunities to understand potential career paths. Before you can write a management training plan, you need to know what skills are lacking in your work force. Then you can help workers figure out what courses to take and evaluate the results. By prioritizing his efforts, a management trainee can accomplish his goals and quickly make the transition to a management role.
Assess the training needs and learning styles required for your management training. Find out what learning styles your employees respond to. People may prefer to listen, watch or use hands-on exercises to learn new information. To determine this, run interviews or focus groups to find out what management topics you need to cover and what format you should use to present the information. That prepares you to develop a training plan that uses presentations, videos, podcasts or workshops -- or some combination of these approaches.
Design learning objectives for your management training plan. Comprehensive management training plans define how to develop the business acumen of effective managers. For example, your training plan may cover business analysis, communication and leadership topics, so your objectives need to reflect specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-constrained ways for trainees to learn the associated skills. Moving trainees from rank and file employees to managers includes teaching them to let go of their former roles, delegate tasks, manage time effectively and communicate clearly with subordinates, peers and supervisors.
Define the types of activities your training plan needs in addition to formal learning opportunities. Successful management training plans typically allow time for less experienced employees to observe more experienced managers performing job tasks, such as running meetings, identifying the most important work tasks and scheduling resources.
Develop the training plan by downloading a template from a credible source or develop your own format. Your plan should define the purpose of the training program, intended participants, associated costs and a schedule for development and delivery. For example, your training plan might list the self-paced training courses you will purchase from vendors or the free resources you plan to direct participants to use in their career development. For example, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology provides access to course materials on management through its free OpenCourseWare website.
Validate your training plan by distributing it for review to interested co-workers. Find out if it helps them create their own career development plan to assess their weaknesses, identify a set of development actions, overcome obstacles and evaluate their performance as it relates to becoming a manager. Incorporate their feedback before implementing your plan.