QuickBooks provides a relatively inexpensive way to track income, expenses, customers, vendors and other aspects of a business. Once you set QuickBooks up, the process of inputting and processing transactions is fairly straightforward. When setting up QuickBooks for your daycare business, you can select an option that correlates most closely to a service-based industry, configure additional accounts your accountant has suggested you keep, and use the Customer Type feature to track the different types of customers your business serves.

Easy Step Interview

Click the "File" menu, and then select "New Company" if the Easy Step Interview doesn't automatically start.

Select the "Detailed Start" button to begin the Interview.

Type the name of your company in the Company Name field.

Type "General Service-Based Business" in the Company Type field.

Select your tax filing status from the "Company Type" drop-down list. Provide your Tax ID number, and then click "Continue."

Provide your company contact information in the available fields. Click "Create Company File" and select "Start Working."

At the minimum include your company street address, phone, email address and website.

Create Additional Accounts

Select the "Lists" menu, and then select "Chart of Accounts."

Select the "Accounts" drop-down menu and select "New."

Select any accounts that match your business's needs from the Example Accounts window. If no accounts display in the Example Accounts window, select the type of account you want to add. Click "Continue."

Modify the account information, as necessary. You may want to change the account name, number, description and information in the other available fields.

Click "Next" to save and add another account, or click "OK" to save your information and close the window.

Create Daycare Customer Type

Click the "Lists" menu, select "Customer & Vendor Profile," and then click "Customer Type."

Click the "Customer Type" drop-down menu and select "New."

Enter a customer's name, and then complete the remaining fields in the New Customer window.

Type the type of membership plans offered in the Customer Type field. If you have monthly and weekly customers, consider creating one customer type for customers who pay monthly, and one for customers who pay weekly. Additionally, consider adding a drop-in option if you have per-day fees as well.

Click "Next," and then add another customer type, or click "OK" to close the window.

Create Customers

Click "Customer Center," select "New Customer & Job," and then click "New Customer."

Enter the name and balance information into the appropriate fields.

Click the "Additional Info" tab, and then select your customer type. Enter additional sales tax information, terms and price level.

Click "Next" to save your changes and add another customer, or click "OK" to close the Add Customer window.


If you use customer types to track the types of daycare customers, don't use it to track additional non-related customer types.


Information in this article applies to QuickBooks 2013. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products.