When entering transactions into QuickBooks, you can split the expense among multiple accounts to maintain organization in your accounting records. If you need to pass on the vendor expense to your customer, you can split the expense to your customer through the Accounts Receivable account. Split transactions are created in the Register of the expense account. You can spread the expense among two or more QuickBooks accounts.

Click "Lists," "Charts of Accounts" and then double-click the name of the account register that you want to view.

Click the "Date" column in the last line on the register, which is blank, and enter the date of the transaction. You don't have to enter a new date if the transaction took place on the current date.

Enter the check number in the "Number" column, and the payee or vendor in the "Payee" column.

Enter the total amount of the transaction in the "Payment" section, and then click the "Splits" button. The window changes to additional columns that you can use to enter the account information.

Click the "Accounts" column drop-down menu in the first blank line and click "Accounts Receivable." Enter into the "Amount" column the amount of the transaction that is coming from the Accounts Receivable account. You can only enter a number that is less than the total amount of the transaction.

Click the "Customer:Job" column drop-down menu and select the name of the customer the split applies to. You need to enter a customer when using Accounts Receivable as a split.

Click the "Billable" column if you want to pass this expense on to the customer.

Enter the account information for the remaining accounts that are splitting this expense, and then click "Record."


Information in this article applies to QuickBooks 2013. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products