According to Section 149, Chapter 27B, of the Massachusetts General Law, every contractor, subcontractor or public body working on a government-contracted job must keep adequate payroll records of all teamsters, mechanics, apprentices, laborers and chauffeurs for up to three years from the date of completion of the contract. A certified payroll ensures that set wages and benefits are paid to employees, in accordance to the contract. The Massachusetts Weekly Certified Payroll Form must be completed for each week in which an employee is employed by the contractor, subcontractor or public body.

Things You Will Need
  • Employee payroll records

  • Massachusetts Weekly Certified Payroll Report Form

Enter the company's name, address, phone number and payroll number in the equivalent fields.

Sign the form and enter your title, contract number, tax payer ID number and the work week ending date in the correct fields.

Enter the awarding authority's name, public works project name, the public works project location and the minimum wage rate sheet number into the corresponding fields.

Enter the general contractor and subcontractor's names into the fields.

Enter the name and address of each employee into the "Employee Name and Complete Address" field.

Check the box for each employee if the employee is OSHA 10 Certified.

Enter the employee's job title into the "Work Classification" field.

Enter the number of hours each employee worked each day into the "Hours Worked" fields. Enter any overtime hours below the regular hours.

Add the total number of hours for each employee into the "Project Hours" field. If the employee worked any additional hours, not related to the project, enter the hours below the "Project Hours (A)" field.

Enter each employee's hourly wage into the "Hourly Base Wage (B)" field.

Enter any employer hourly fringe benefit contributions into column C, D and E.

Add column B through E and enter the amount into the "Total Hourly Prev. Wage (F)" field.

Multiply column A by column F and enter the amount into column G. If the employee worked additional hours not related to the project, enter this number below the amount in column G.

Enter the payroll check number into column H.


If requested, the contractor, subcontractor or public body must submit a copy of the Massachusetts Weekly Certified Payroll Report Form immediately upon request, to the requesting department.