As a manager or supervisor, you will need to keep your staff abreast of the different policies and procedures established for your organization. It is not uncommon for policies within an organization to change on a regular basis, especially if you work within a dynamic or volatile environment. A way to communicate policies and procedures is in a group setting. This allows you to cover the material all at once and gives everyone an opportunity to ask questions.

Read over the material to gain a thorough understanding. Before you can review policies and procedures with your staff, you must first read over it several times. Highlight any information that may need a more detailed explanation. Continue to read the material until you thoroughly understand everything. Try to anticipate some of the questions that your staff may ask.

Give your staff a copy of the handout, or the information that will be covered, a day before the meeting. This gives them a chance to read over the material and write down any questions they may have. If possible, ask your staff to give you any questions the day before the meeting so that you may have time to research them and provide your staff with the correct answer.

Hold a meeting with your staff. Reserve a conference room and make sure every attendee brings their copy of the handout. Have extra handouts in case someone forgets theirs. Begin the session by going over the material from beginning to end. Once you have covered the material, go over any questions your staff may have submitted beforehand. After all submitted questions have been answered, ask if there are any other questions.

Go over the policy and procedures individually. Sometimes the information is of a sensitive and delicate nature and it needs to be reviewed with each staff member on an individual basis. This may not be possible or feasible for a large organization.