Whether it's a small startup business with one employee or a large corporation with thousands of employees, every organization is owned by someone. There are a several ways to find out who owns a company in Canada.

Find out the exact name of the company in Canada you're researching. Visit the Canadian Business Directory, located in the Resources section below, and click on "Search." Here, you can search for the company by key word. Once you find the company you're looking for, make a note of the exact name and the website address.

Visit the company's website. Click on the "About Us" page. Often times, the owner of the company will be listed on this page. You can also try scrolling to the bottom of the screen. The copyright information often tells you if a larger company owns the company you're researching.

Click on the "Contact" page from the company's website. Here, you'll most likely find the phone number, fax number, email address, and physical address for the company.

Call, fax, email, or write to the Canadian company about your question. Choose the method you're most comfortable with. When talking with or writing to employees in a Canadian company, don't give out or ask about any personal information. Canadian businesspeople tend to reserve private information and conversations for their personal lives, according to InternationalBusiness.org.

Don't give up. If you send an email and don't get an answer, try calling. If no one answers your phone calls, write a letter. You can also try looking into the company's directory and call or write to a specific person. Usually someone in the human resources department will be most willing to answer your question.

Visit the company if possible. Sometimes, the best way to get an answer is to ask someone in person.


Read more about Canadian business etiquette at InternationalBusiness.org before you visit the company in Canada.