How to Remove Office Cubicles
As businesses expand and contract over time, cubicles are often added and removed to provide sufficient workspace. Cubicles are made of a variety of materials and construction designs, and are generally lightweight and designed to be expandable and mobile. Quickly and safely disconnect all the wiring, remove built in furniture and remove unwanted cubicles to meet the current personnel needs of your company.
Things You Will Need
2 office chairs
Phillips or standard screwdriver
Zip top plastic bag
Disconnect all electrical devices along with any wiring leads that bring power, phone and Internet to the cubicle. Hardwired cubicles may require contacting an electrician and shutting the power off at the breaker.
Investigate the connection method used to secure each panel of the cubicle to the next. Screws, rods and spring latch systems with two connectors per panel end are common.
Grab a phillips or standard screwdriver, or other required tool to release the panel connector. Use two office chairs to support both sides of the cubicle's least supported wall.
Remove all the cubicle's built-in furniture like desks and shelving units. The added weight on the panel would make it awkward to transport. You may need to enlist the help of a friend to hold a large desk as you detach it and also to help carry it away.
Disconnect the mechanism to free the first panel and carry or slide it out of the room. Lean unused panels up against the wall of a supply closet or storage area to reduce the floor space they take up.
Continue releasing the panel attachments and moving the panels out of the room one at a time. Collect the screws or connectors in a zip-top plastic bag so they are available to rebuild the cubicle later.
Stabilize the stack of cubicle panels once they are all leaning against the wall. Push the panels close together to keep them from falling or sliding.