Your federal tax ID number is used to identify you and your business accounts, tax documents and returns. Obtaining a copy of your federal tax ID number is simple. It can take some time, but with patience it can be accomplished within an hour. Read further to learn how to obtain a copy of your federal tax ID number.

Things You Will Need
  • Your employer identification number (EIN)

  • Telephone

  • Phone number to the IRS

Call the IRS Business and Specialty tax line

Locate the contact information for the Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service Business and Specialty tax line. You can do this online at or by reviewing your original letter you received regarding your Employer Identification number. There are two numbers you can call: (800) 829-4933 or (800) 829-3676. The telephone lines are open Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Listen carefully to the options provided. After dialing the number, listen to the prompts and choose option 4, then option 1. Wait for the representative to appear on the line. This could take 20 to 30 minutes depending on when you call.

Provide the necessary information. You will need your EIN, name, name of business, full address of residence, and business address. The representative will ask if you prefer to receive the document by fax or by mail, which will take 7 to 10 business days.

Consider sending a request via mail for a copy of your federal tax ID number. It can take anywhere form 30 to 45 days to receive your copy. Make sure to include your EIN with the request. Send a written request directly to the IRS at the following address:

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Cincinnati OH 45999-0023


Make sure you have ample time available before contacting the IRS by phone

Have your EIN, address of residence and business so the representative can verify you.

Record the date you called along with the identification number of whom you spoke with for future reference if needed.