A general contractor updates or improves existing homes and businesses. Working as a general contractor requires a knowledge of building materials and safety, as poorly done remodels can cause injury or property damage. Many states require that you have a license to work as a general contractor. To obtain this license, you must have experience in the contracting field. You must list this experience on your license application and have someone else, such as a former employer, verify your information to apply.

Contact the department of licenses and permits in your state to determine how many years of experience and what type of experience you must have to apply for a general contractors license. For example, California requires that you have at least four years of journeyman or higher level experience to apply.

Complete the individual information sections of the work verification form on the general contractor's license application. For example, the California application labels this section as "Qualifying Individual Information." Some states may use different labels. Enter your full name, employer's name and full business address, and your employer's license number in blue or black ink.

Ask a former employer, former co-worker or union representative to act as your certifier and complete the verification section for each contractor job you held. Ask the certifier to indicate if you worked full time or part time, your start and end date, and how many years and months you worked in the appropriate sections.

Ask the certifier to describe all of your work duties in the space provided. Make sure he accurately describes any job function you held relating to contractor work. Do not include office work or unrelated duties in this section.

Ask the certifier to write his full name and verify his relationship to you on the form in the appropriate boxes. He must also provide his full address and phone number. Have the certifier sign the certificate in blue or black ink. Use a separate form for every job you've held.

Mail the completed forms to the license department in your state using the address provided on the first page of the license application.


Double check all of the information for accuracy. Inaccurate information may cause a delay in your application.

Start a new form rather than crossing out inaccurate information. Crossed out information may result in an application denial.