Pros & Cons of Starting a Daycare
A daycare business is a service for working parents. Parents drop off their infants, babies, toddlers and children at a daycare while they work. Starting a daycare can be a wonderful way to care for your own children while still earning extra funds. At the same time, a daycare is much like running any other business. Caring for small children is hard work and not always well compensated compared to other economic opportunities.
A daycare can be operated out of one’s home. This means that owners are spared the expense of renting or buying a separate office space for their business.
Daycare workers are not required to complete a college degree or even a high school diploma. Workers are advised to read up on childcare basics and learn about techniques such as infant CPR. Many local community colleges and hospitals offer inexpensive courses to help potential workers learn the essentials.
A daycare owner does not need to place her own child in childcare in order to earn money. Avoiding this expense can compensate for a potentially smaller salary.
Many working parents need childcare from the time they leave for their commute in the morning until they return at night. To meet this need, many daycares open as early as 6 a.m. and stay open until well past dinnertime.
Most daycare owners are not at the top end of the earning scale. Hourly compensation may also vary geographically. Less affluent populations may be limited in the amount they can pay because government subsidies set lower rates for daycare providers.
While a daycare can be operated out of one’s home, the home should be thoroughly checked to make sure it meets safety standards for infants and small children. This can require additional costs that may be substantial and may even include major changes to an older home.