What Is a Marketing Presentation?
A marketing presentation is visual documentation that details the proposed plans outlined in a marketing plan. A marketing presentation can be a digital file like PowerPoint presentations that are displayed on a projector screen or distributed to principals on a CD ROM. A marketing presentation is a sales tool used to identify a plan to sell a product or service.
A marketing presentation illustrates the marketing plan in detail with written content, charts, graphs and other graphics.
Sophisticated marketing presentations can take many forms. Marketing presentations are often presented as individual books with expensive bindings or digital files with advanced animation.
Marketing presentations can take the form of videos burned on a CD, DVD or a website presentation. A marketing presentation includes basic information about the current status of a company or interest, sometimes called a situation review.
Demographics are essential in a good marketing presentation. Research on demographics for a marketing presentation is always taken from the section of the marketing section of the business plan.
Information that includes the strategic position of the company, the objectives of the organization and anticipated sales resulting from the plan are included in a good marketing presentation. Marketing presentations should be entertaining, informative and realistic.
An extensive itemization of the challenges, descriptions of the products or services to be marketed, and the goals associated with the marketing plan are essential.
An analysis of the organization that reflects the goals, focus, culture and strengths needs to be presented in the marketing presentation in a way that is convincing and unique.
A good marketing presentation identifies how the marketing plan will increase sales and how the likely buyer will benefit from the approach identified in the marketing presentation.
An analysis of the competition and organizations market position, weakness, and anticipated market share are vital components in a marketing presentation. Identifying any collaborators, subsidiaries, partners or joint ventures demonstrate the level of support in the marketing presentation.
The marketing presentation should follow closely the marketing plan that's been identified in the business plan for reference and verification that the organization has thoughtfully considered all essential factors that contributed to the success of the product or services to be marketed.
A marketing presentation is an illustration of future action that should be delivered with confidence. It should be well rehearsed. Each graph, chart and graphic identifies should detail how they support the information found within the marketing presentation.