List of Interview Questions for Workforce Management
The wrong interview questions can result in a regrettable hiring decision. In an article for "Entrepreneur," Adam Fusfeld states that interview questions should minimize a job candidate's ability to exaggerate and lie, and provide you with glimpses of the candidate's true personality and ability to fit in well at a company. When conducting an interview, shape your questions so they seem more conversational than confrontational, give a candidate a chance to toot his own horn and ask questions that make a candidate provide examples of how he used the skills he claims to have on his resume.
Behavioral interview questions ask a candidate about how she handled a specific situation in the past so you can gauge how she may perform in the future. Examples of behavioral interview questions include: "What are your top work values? Tell me about a time you demonstrated each of these values." "What is your method for gaining and retaining new clients?" and "Tell me about a time you felt your integrity was tested. What was the outcome of the choice you had to make?"
Interview questions that see if an applicant would fit in well with your company’s culture can help you determine if she will succeed in the established environment. Ask the following types of interview questions: "What is your ideal work environment? Where are you most content and productive?" and "What characteristics did your favorite boss demonstrate? How did her management style help increase your productivity?"
Interview questions regarding teamwork can provide insight into how well a candidate works with others and her leadership abilities. Examples of teamwork interview questions include: "Tell me about a time you were part of a successful and unsuccessful project? What was your role and and what made these projects a success and failure?" and "Have you ever had to share leadership responsibilities? If so, what challenges did you face during the collaboration?"
Questions that ask about a candidate’s interpersonal skills can help you evaluate how well he gets along with others, handles disagreements and resolves conflicts. During an interview, ask the candidate the following: "Tell me about a time you had to work with a co-worker you did not like. What was the outcome of the project on which you collaborated?" "Tell me about a time you disagreed with a supervisor. How did you approach the situation and what was the outcome?" and "What are your greatest pet peeves?"