What Are the Duties of a Membership Chairperson?
Working as a membership chairperson is a highly visible role in an organization. Charitable, professional development and other not-for-profit organizations that are member-driven typically have this role on their board of directors. Depending on the rules of the board, the membership chairperson may be elected or may be appointed.
A membership chairperson is responsible for the identification and selection of new members. The membership chairperson may host special events for the sole purpose of meeting and greeting prospective members and this role may also issue letters of invitation to suitable membership candidates. Marketing the benefits of organizational membership is a key duty for this committee role.
Reaching out to existing members is another primary responsibility of a membership committee chairperson. Hosting events for members, raising awareness of the value of their membership and retaining existing members are other responsibilities in this committee portfolio. The membership committee chair also issues surveys and learns about the needs, issues and desires of members.
A membership chairperson develops, maintains and leads change related to the administration of membership-specific policies and bylaws. Researching similar policies in like-minded organizations and coordinating policy and bylaw reviews form a part of the administrative duties of the membership chairperson.
A membership chairperson leads the official membership committee for the organization. He appoints a note taker, ensures minutes from meetings are filed appropriately and liaises with committee members in an effort to ensure all action items are completed. This chairperson may also sit on other committees or manage special committees related to major membership events.